Michele is such a regimented person. Each morning she wakes up, makes a pot of coffee, and sits outside while the dog [who is also regimented] does her business. Since animals [including me] have always been attracted to Michele, she has some very up-close and personal relationships with many of our back yard guests.
I get excited every time I see a hummingbird at the feeder. When I tell Michele that I saw one, she'll ask: "was it the green male with the red throat, or the white one? Was it the female with the grey wings, or the brown wings?" She has caught a bunch of frogs this week, including a really cool gold, metallic-looking tree frog. She carries them around to show to me, the boys, the neighbors, and anyone else whom she feels needs to see a frog. Anyway, I think she may soon resort to giving them all names. Kinda reminded me of this image of Snow White...

I absolutely love your posts. I find myself reading them several times.
Michele has always been like that...and I love that about her.
I remember before you were married, and I was just getting to know her, she would tell me great stories of critters at her place. They were all her friends.
So...if she is Snow White...which of the seven drawfs are you...
Doc? Can definitely see the connection.
Happy? yep, perhaps him.
Sleepy? after all that soccer and baseball? I'm sure of it.
Grumpy? I'll have to ask Michele about that one. (actually, she has told me a few grumpy stories)
Dopey? well.....I wouldn't have thought...but then again.....you DID drive around the block over and over again with Eric in front of both of your houses when you took the car....yep...rather dopey.
Bashful? maybe not. quiet? sometimes. but bashful? I just don't think so.
and Sneezy? (the only one I couldn't remember, by the way)
we all are at one time or another, aren't we?
So...after consideration, I'm thinkin' Doc. Yep. Doc it is.
But Michele is definitely Snow White.
Doc...hmmm. I was hoping for Prince Charming (different tale, I know). However, I'll take Doc. I asked Nathan which dwarf he thought I should be. He came up with an eighth dwarf...Gassy.
I am so laughing out loud right now! GASSY...priceless. Happy 4th, fam.
Uncle Gassy! haha. I love reading your blog and i'm thrilled that you've been posting regularly! tell that beautiful family of yours that i said hello! miss you!
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